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Ramones en nuestros corazones - Peruvian tribute [FULL ALBUM]

Playing Next: Drug Beard - Drug Beard (Full Album 2020)
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1.Los Protones - The KKK took my baby away (0:00)

2.Leo Escoria - I wanna be sedated (2:33)

3.Psicoterapia - Blitzkrieg bop (5:50)

4.Montaña - Sheena is a punk rocker (8:07)

5.SOXT - Anxiety (10:55)

6.Epidemia - Animal Boy (13:04)

7.4maniacos - Today your love tomorrow the world (14:52)

8.Varsovia - Now I wanna sniff some glue (17:10)

9.La Ira de Dios - Commando (20:10)

10.Fernando Chirinos & The Chilcanos - She belongs to me (22:07)

11.Morbo - Spiderman (26:44)

12.Los Verrugas - Judy is a punk (28:50)

13.Justicia Inmoral - Beat on the brat (30:13)

14.Los Arman - Loudmouth (32:36)

15.Los Suplentes - All the way (34:36)

16.Tres al hilo - Glad to see you go (37:43)

17.Zevende - Psychotherapy (39:54)

18.El Tano - Cretin Hop (42:04)

19.Radio Garage - Pet Sematary (44:02)

20.Reciklaje - Warthog (48:07)

21.Green Hell - I'm not Jesus (49:56)

22.Puñete - Endless Vacation (53:14)

23.Los Imperdibles - Bonzo goes to bitburg (54:51)

24.Los Malditos Gatos de Lima - Pinhead (58:16)

25.Los Flechados - I wanna be sedated (1:00:07)

26.La Loca de Hojalata - Have a nice day (1:02:25)

27.Phuyu - Poison Heart (1:03:38)

28.Javier Criado - I wanna be your boyfriend (1:07:42)

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