This was a fun one. seriously don't mind the titles i'm just experimenting. the more views the better I can survive this pandemic etc.
Should have put #buskingnotbusking haha! this was a gig organised by a shopping centre for their christmas entertainment. They've set up a small tent outside for me to perform in which was awesome. I had left my guitar case closed in front of me but people kept asking where to put the coins so in the end I couldn't resist but to open it :P
I hope you enjoy this rendition of the 3 songs mentioned.
Thanks to the massive support from my Patrons:
David Timlin,Yvonne, Davina, Marc Andrus, Travis Jordan, Leanne, Nic Connor, Laura, Magdalena, Brodie Harris, Stephen Doherty, Nadine Wegmann, Michael Arbeiter, Michelle Warden, Alfredo Tofanelli, Amber, Andrew Hughes, Anna, Avril Ridge, Conny, Daniel P Ueblacker, Yonatan Sarig, Patrick Strodel , Paul Macleod, Tricia Furlong, Liam and Diane, Jennie Fenner, Ken Fausel, Isaac Velasquez, Glenn Gallagher, Frank mohr, Elaine, Dschun Song, Kerry Cunningham, Hubert Tyczynski, Fraser Woolley, Robert Rudolph, C Miller, Diana Castillo, William Bennet (If I missed any names please let me know!)