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Hedy West (Volume 1) [Full Album Vinyl]

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Hedy West sings the complete song list of her self-titled 1963 Vanguard album. Her second album was called Volume 2 so a \"Volume 1\" is added to the title here.


Side 1

00:02 Drowsy Sleeper (1:30)

01:33 Cotton Mill Girls (2:21)

03:55 Erin's Green Shore (4:05)

07:59 Shady Grove (1:55)

09:55 Single Girl (3:30)

13:27 Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie (2:45)

16:14 500 Miles (2:53)

Side 2

19:12 The Brown Girl (5:10)

24:22 Letter From Down The Road (2:34)

27:00 Little Willie (2:00)

29:03 Sweet Jane (3:13)

32:17 Miner's Farewell (Poor Hardworking Miners) (2;07)

34:26 Fragments (2:31)

37:00 Fare Thee Well (1:45)


Hedy West was born in Cartersville, Georgia in 1938 and sings from the authentic singing tradition of her family, playing a 5-string banjo on these songs. She is credited with writing 'Cotton Mill Girls' from traditional material. Listening to that song and also 'Single Girl', '500 Miles' and 'Fragments' gives a good overview of her singing, but all songs are nicely done.


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