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LITTLE HOLE FILLED - And The Ants Still March On [FULL ALBUM] 2020 including lyrics

Playing Next: Jazz Q Martina Kratochvíla - Elegie Elegy (Czech Republic Czechoslovakia, 1977) [Full Album]
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'And The Ants Still March On' is an album of Austrian stoner/doom/sludge groove metal band Little Hole Filled released in 2020.

01 And The Ants Still March On 0:00

02 Boneyard Blues 04:40

03 Giving Birth To A Planet 10:00

04 Coyote Howling 20:05

05 Trippozoid 26:13

06 Sprout 31:16

07 Weiße Wänd 39:05

the album is NAME YOUR PRICE at Bandcamp:


01 And The Ants Still March On 0:00

\"barren earth

trees are falling

wasted lands

under yellow sky

rotting flies

on septic flesh

shades of grey

all green is gone

a wind is blowing

the air burns red

a mist of dust

a storm of ashes

a silence screaming

no voice to raise

a last breath taken

no soul to hear

and the ants still march on\"


02 Boneyard Blues 04:40

\"The unseen hand that wields the blade

That severs bodies from theirs souls

The ancient joints are worn by time

In restless motion cuts the twines

In Thousand miles of blackend waters

In streams where once live dwelt

The fingers combing through foul sludge

No soul to find no life to end

Deserted fields of once green meadows

Where bedlam gave away to peace

And throngs of creatures feared their god

Now trails of dust blow through the breece

The fist clenched tight, the dream dissolves

Impaled by light and crushed by shade

And drowned by silence ever rising

The strife for footing was in vain

And doubt creeps into thoughts and lingers

Infests ideas then souls decay

The boundless void inhales the warmth

A mindless feast on easy prey

Dragged away into darkness

Pulled down into the deep\"


03 Giving Birth To A Planet 10:00

\"Nothing moving a void unfilled

An empty mass is not yet spilled

The silence is deceptive still

Waiting for a storm to build

If nothing moves, can time exist?1

No parts collide, stasis persists

Stagnation stems against the tide

The friction grows in space too wide

And light filled the sky

And life filled the world

And all that is living

Will fall back to the void\"


04 Coyote Howling 20:05

- instrumental -


05 Trippozoid 26:13

Feet buried in black soil

Head high in the wind

One hundred years standing

Time grinding my skin

A thousand tongues eating

Away at the sun

My lungs fill with light

I drink from the ground

Live off the earth

Drink from the sky

Exhale to give back

Feed from me when I die\"


06 Sprout 31:16

\"Aeons - melt away

waiting - here to stay

Buried - semen alive

Awaking - sprout's arrived

Growing - grab for the sun

Shaping - Becoming the one

Arousal - all boundaries gone

Blossom - a new life born

Aeons - melt away

Pilgrims - on their way\"


07 Weiße Wänd 39:05

\"Weisse Wänd und weisse Türn

Weisse Händ und weißes Hirn

Weiße Westn, weißer Wein

Weißer Schnee und weisser Schein

Weisse Haut und weisse Hoar

Weiße Zähnt und weisses Gschroar

Weiße Handschuach, weiße Fetzen

Weißes Rauschn, weisses Hetzn

Weisser Hengst und weisse Tauben

Weiße Ängst und weißer Glaubn

Weiße Wirscht und weißes Bier

Weißer Rauch und weisse Gier

Weisse Fleckn, weisses Göd

Weißer Zwerg und Weisse Wöd\"

uploaded with the band's permission...

Most of my uploads are posted in a number of Facebook groups and that is including 'Doom/Stoner/Sludge/Psychedelic' with 25K+ members which is managed by me. The PUBLIC group doesn't allow shit-posting; unrelated memes/stuff, over-posting and annoying/rude/racist/homophobic/sexist behavior will NOT be tolerated. Join if you like:

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