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The Harlequin Singers - Both Sides Now (Full Album)

Recorded in the churches of St Thomas the Martyr and Christ Church with St Ewen on the 4th and 6th July 2009, Bristol - England.

Recorded by Graham Alsop.

Peter Wilkinson (Director)

Claire Alsop (Piano)

Jonathan Price (Organ)

Ben Johnson (Guitar)

Sopranos: Jo Burton, Liz Curtis, Mandy Ebsworth, Chirs Green, Helena Hobbs, Margaret Johnstone, Rebecca Lambert, Laura Niblett, Rose Parry, Nicola Round, Ellen Tweney, Kate Warr.

Altos: Sarah Crabtree, May Curtis, Ceri Dash, Clare Hargreaves, Alison Heard, Jeni Leggat-Green, Emma McMillan, Rachel McMurray, Jo Price, Katie Wilkinson.

Tenors: Steve Beggs, Sandy Johnstone, Tom Morrison, John Price, Mike Reed, Chris Sheahan.

Basses: Steve Hannam, Tom Inman, David Jeffery, Peter Moore, Malcolm Strickland, John Todd, Paul Woolcock.

Track list:

1) All Creatures Now (John Benet)

2) Beati Quorum Via (Charles Villiers Stanford)

3) Crucifixus (Antonio Lotti)

4) Surrexit Christus Hodie (Samuel Scheidt)

5) Irish Blessing (Bob Chilcott)

6) Kyrie From Missa Papae Marcelli (Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina)

7) Lullabye (Billy Joel)

8) Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton arr. by Roger Emerson)

9) The Water Of Tyne (English Folk Song arr. by Michael Neaum)

10) Both Sides Now (Joni Mitchell arr. by John Coates)

11) De Gospel Train (Spiritual arr. by Peter Wilkinson)

12) O Praise Ye The Lord In Heaven (Anton Arensky)

13) Psalm 43 (Felix Mendelssohn)

14) Ave Verum (Camille Saint-Saens)

15) Magnificat In B Flat (Charles Villiers Stanford)

16) Nunc Dimitris (Peter Wilkinson)

17) The Drunken Sailor (Sea Shanty arr. by Robert Sund)

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