Here's my video game jazz piano cover of Green Hill Zone from Sonic Mania! I'm Sab and I love saxophone and video games, so now I make covers that combine two of my favorite things!
I dont know how I had never covered this song! Its such a classic and one of my favorites to play! I wanted to do something simple since there has been a lot going on this past month.
Out of the month of August, I was in Boston for 1 week, half of that was having guests over. I was super limited in my time and resources to get a cover together. But, I kind of enjoyed doing a project on a time constraint. Im trying to limit how much I play saxophone on YouTube for a bit since Im relearning everything right now and dont wanna use any poor techniques.
I wanted to do 2 different styles for this cover, loosely basing it on the concept of Act 1 and 2 from Sonic Mania! The Act 2 is a bit more Latin inspired, so I tried to channel that for the second part of the cover. The first part is more of a funk/swing style. Its such a simple and it was quite a challenge to make it my own given the limitations. But like I said, I had a lot of fun with it! The idea came out of nowhere. I probably brainstormed 10 different ideas for this week, but glad I picked Green Hill Zone in the end!
It is a little thrown together, but Im still pretty happy with it! It was nice doing something different than I normally do, which has been pretty helpful since the past few weeks Ive been a bit stuck with future covers.