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Reptilian - Castle Of Yesterday - 2000 Full Album

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Reptilian - Castle of Yesterday - 2000

Album very good that Swedish heavy metal band of great quality with influences from Symphony X and Malmsteen. With former members of the Majestic, Midnight Sun, Flower Kings and Reingold. A very powerful disk and full speed. Especially Range 10 \"Masterplan\" is Gorgeous, Extreme, Heavy and Sensational is my favorite.


Álbum muy bueno que la banda de heavy metal sueco de gran calidad con influencias de Symphony X y Malmsteen. Con los antiguos miembros del Majestic, Sol de Medianoche, Flower Kings y Reingold. Un disco muy potente y la velocidad máxima. Especialmente Range 10 \"Masterplan\" es magnífico, Detalle, Construcción y Sensacional es mi favorito.


Album muito bom dessa banda SUECA de Heavy Metal de ótima qualidade com influências de Symphony X e Malmsteen. Com ex-membros do Majestic, Midnight Sun, Flower Kings e Reingold. Um Disco muito poderoso e cheio de velocidade. Destaque para Faixa 10 \"Masterplan\" é Belíssima, Extrema, Pesada e Sensacional é minha preferida.


Joel Linder Drums

Lasse Boquist Guitars

Thomas Blum Keyboards

Jonas Blum Vocals

Jonas Reingold Bass

Orvar Wennström Guitars


01. Preludium - Oblivion - 00:00

02. Castle of Yesterday - 05:32

03. Veins of Hell - 09:31

04. Skeleton Scales ( instrumental) - 14:51

05. The Deceiver - 19:41

06. Change Your Heart - 23:05

07. Steel of the Dagger - 28:45

08. I'll Be Back - 34:23

09. Signing Out - 40:05

10. Masterplan - 44:01

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