Don't look too close. In end you'll believe. A king in Yellow, neurotransmitters extend through quantum states, a POMO economy and culture renders all attempts at understanding and manipulation futile. CHORONZON has found you.
Over the years Choronzon have become known for their thick vortex of blackened ritualistic industrial chaos. P. Emerson Williams has shaped this release the way a sculptor creates art by removing any unneeded element. With FIAT NOX CHORONZON scaled back the electronics and loops on to where guitars and vocals carry the pieces, except where cellos take over on one piece. Very stripped down, no fx on the guitars. The results are no less of a demonic vortex for this sharpening of focus.
Lyrically, the album centers around pivotal moments. The moment when an empire is in a free-fall, the point of evocation when the entity is undoubtedly and with fearsome immanence manifest, when one is on the path and there can be no going back. In the Abyss there is no time, nor space. The only way out is through and the only way to emerge is to leave yourself there. The biggest crimes are committed with the help of armies and authorities, so freedom has to be declared by the night.