Testing my new and improved live rig for Laser Pig, one of the music projects i have on the go. I've gigged with a setup almost like this before but i've now added an audio interface and switched from SEQ 24 to Renoise 3 running in Lubuntu. My Netbook is only a 1.2Ghz dual core yet Renoise runs amazing well.
So in this setup i'm sequencing midi to the Nord Lead 1 from Renoise which is also doing a few percussion samples. The Nord is routed through Renoise's Convolver reverb through a nice little 'Pulse' 2 in 2 out usb interface i found on a carboot sale yesterday for 4 whole pounds. I've programmed my CS2x to play a sort of digital piano type tone, something that it seems to be very good at, especially when a subtle bit of LFO is added as each voice has it's own LFO that are not synced so things get stirred up very nicely. I've added a bit of the Mini Kaoss pad's delay to the CS2x too. I'm cueing patterns live in Renoise with a Korg Nano Kontrol. Everything is mixed through a Xenyx 1002 mixer and the recorded on my desktop machine.
All in all i find this setup very intuitive and fun to use, plenty of power but not so many options that nothing gets done.