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NEUTRAL EARTH - Neutral Earth (Full Album)
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This video is about NEUTRAL EARTH (Full Album) ©2019.
(0:00) 1. Three Kings Apart.
(5:24) 2. Forbidden Planet.
(8:39) 3. Broken Fences.
(12:28) 4. Metabolic Myopathy.
(15:40) 5. Lingering Parade.
(21:33) 6. Gulag Mondays.
(24:52) 7. A Song Of Peacock Ore.
(29:20) 8. Just Below The Stars.
(32:18) 9. Lessons In Extinction.
(36:30) 10. Neutral Earth.
(40:04) 11. Brian's Little Piano.
(43:46) 12. Sigmund's Cat.
^^^^^^^ Click on the blue time in parentheses before the song number to play that song.
The music of Neutral Earth is not restricted by boundaries or limitations set by distance, labels, structure, or genres. Our plan is to explore and create interesting and innovative music wherever that may lead us.
Based in Florida & Illinois.
Yes, there is Mellotron.
Lots of Mellotron.
We love Mellotron.
(And e-Bow too!)
Joe Fasula - Guitars, Bass, Lyrics, Guitar Synth, Drum Machine, Mellotron, e-Bow Guitar, Synthesizer, Backup Vocals (1).
Craig P. Smith - Vocals, Mellotron, Synthesizers, Bosendorfer Grand Piano (4), Drum Machine & Guitars (5)
All songs by Fasula/Smith except 4, 5, & 12 which are Smith/Fasula, and 6 which is Fasula.
In loving memory of our brother and friend Jeff Fasula.