Tunnel Vision
Leisure Techno
The Good Days Are Tomorrow
Aquarian and Deapmash return as \"AQXDM\" for their sophomore EP, 'Infrared' on Houndstooth.
Written remotely from Berlin and Caen respectively, this five track EP expands on their now hallmark sound -- hypnotic, big room, golden-era rave, 90s jungle and mind bending techno n’ IDM filtered through a high-definition, cinematic lens. Massive kicks, quaking sub bass and blistering breakbeats converge with soaring atmospherics and throwback rave stabs in a wholly modern and heavy-as-hell package. The Good Old Days Are Tomorrow!
Championed by the likes of Aphex Twin, Skee Mask, Call Super, Zenker Brothers
Mixed by Dean Grenier, cut and Mastered by Matt Colton
– manufactured at optimal-media, Germany.