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Angels in Heaven, Category: Christian Gospel Music praise worship songs English w lyrics

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Presenting latest Christian Gospel Music pop rock song in English (Lyrics in Subtitles) by Pop Rock For Humanity in the praise and worship of our beloved lord Jesus Christ based on the wonderful lyrics written by the gospel lyrics writer Brother Kenneth Mood (Gateshead, UK). The song is composed, created, mixed, mastered, and sung by Sourabh Kishore. This song comprises of yet another set of magical lyrics by Brother Kenneth Mood, who has made his place in thousands of hearts through his ability and commitment in spreading the love of God.

Angels in Heaven
Sending us praise & love
We worship you Father
Every day and Forever
We have no fear
We pray for your love
We'll conquer evil
with your love, We can win the world

Mystery of master
Mystery of saviour
Is full of surprise
As we reach for the stars
My faith is strong in you
I love and worship you
You are truthful, You tell no lies
Your Love is burning bright
Our sins are forgiven
We are washed and cleaned
In the days and darkness of the nights
Angels in Heaven
Sending sunshine and rain
We are washed and cleaned
all again again
We are filled with your love
We are filled with your spirit
We are filled with your truth
Your existence in our lives

We love you father
We live with your spirit
We can see you through, the gates of heaven, you have opened
We have no fear
We pray for your love
We'll conquer evil
With your love, We can win the world
Angels in Heaven
Sending us praise & love
We worship you Father
Every day and Forever
We have no fear
We pray for your love
We'll conquer evil
With your love, We can win the world
By Kenneth Mood

This is an original composition copyrighted internationally!!

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