A one man band cover of The House That Spook Built, AKA the menu theme of Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion~
Download link below!
A recent twitter poll I did revealed that the majority of my viewers either favor covers from indie games or are indifferent to whether or not my covers are from indie titles, so with that I won't really be holding back my love for indie games anymore (not that I've been restraining myself much lately haha). I won't abandon larger titles of course, but indie game stuff will likely be a more regular occurence in the future!
With that little explanation out of the way, here's my first cover from a game I recently fell in love with - Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, formerly known as Spooky's House of Jumpscares :3
One of my heavier covers to date I'd say, and I'm happy with how it came out!~
Composed by: Akuma Kira
Arranged and performed by Billy Qvarnstrm