A curious meeting was the result of an open studio door of Nachtbraker, and the hint of disco coming out the door, where Dr. San Proper just happened to pass by in search of whatever it is he searches for at 10 am on a Tuesday. The good doctor decided to walk in, greeted Nachtbraker in his ordinary weird way and casually grabbed a microphone. Nachtbraker pressed record, Dr. Proper got his inner Mick Jagger on, and behold: Misses, madame, mademoiselle was born: an up-tempo disco groove with Nachtbraker’s touch of loose arrangement, and San Proper’s amazing vocals. We asked our good friends and great producer duo Session Victim to re-interpret M.m.m. and they gave it a great dreamy-but-groovy twist, adding pads and shuffling hi-hats.