If you have any problem, or question about this upload please write to me in this email: panagiotisbo@gmail.com
01. Lovesickness - 00:00
02. Gastly - 04:01
03. Scaling The Dragon Fortress - 06:58
04. Rain Dance - 10:58
05. Pancake Department - 15:10
06. Zoning Residential - 18:56
07. Dopefish Lives - 22:33
08. Dandelion Ride - 26:39
09. Penguins Of The Apocalypse - 31:29
10. Flame Repellent - 34:34
11. Snow Burn - 37:34
12. Fun With Laser Guns - 42:01
13. There'll Always Be Next Year - 45:38
14. Hopeless Romantic - 49:51
15. The Coffee Zone - 52:38
This is a collection of some .nsf chiptunes written between 2010 and 2014. Five of these tracks are also previously unreleased :O
The track listing is organised according to which expansion chips are used;
Tracks 1-5 use 2a03 only
Tracks 6-7 use MMC5
Tracks 8-11 use VRC6
Tracks 12-13 use FDS
Track 14 uses 6 channel N163 (and is overclocked to 224Hz, heh heh)
Track 15 uses VRC7 expansion
The title, \"The Coffee Zone,\" also may allude to the caffeine induced, sleep-deprived state I wrote most of these tracks in..
You can get the source files here: t.co/M6DYw924Sf
released October 6, 2014
Music and \"artwork\" by Fearofdark (Stephen Hemstritch-Johnston)
Shoutouts go to jsr and everyone involved with Famitracker, for making it the awesome program it is today. Others go to jrlepage, kfaraday, stinkbug, maxo and too many other people to name for their continued support (both musically and emotionally).