Best of Celtic folk Music: Rakish Paddies is a CD album from 3 smaler CDs with Irish and Scottish traditional music
Celts in Kilts (1997)
Rakish Paddy (1999)
Wack fol the Daddy-o (2000)
Celts in Kilts:
Our first recorded CD. Rapalje was performing as a duo: Dieb and Mace?l. After the Audio Cassette Tape, the second attempt to record some music.
With a self build microphone and a mini-disc recorder, we played our tunes and songs at Dieb's place and in O'Ceallaigh Irish Pub in Groningen NL
After recording this CD, We decided to let William join the band!
Rakish Paddy:
The word \"Rapalje\" (Dutch), \"Rakish\" (English), \"Rapaille\" (French) and \"Randale\" (German) have almost the same meaning: \"carelessly unconventional\". And that was the original translation from the dictionary. In most cases the word will be used for people who are a bit naughty.. or worse..
Wack fol the Daddy-o
On the Cover of this CD our daddies: Piet, Jan and Aaldrik. Sitting in front of O'Ceallaigh Irish pub in Groningen. The could and would play the instruments they're holding. Some people thought our daddies were also the musicians on this CD. So the same people wondered how young we look on stage.
The musicians of Rapalje with their wild hair and medieval kilts create a flaming energy with their enthusiasm and motivation. With sensitive ballads, fiery songs and vivacious Celtic melodies Rapalje electrifies their audience. A concert of Rapalje is like a journey through time with recognizable licentiousness and a rough way of life.
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Please watch: \"Your new T-shirts arrived! - Rapalje Show 82\"