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Heaven and Earth with Jon Anderson (Yes), by Leonardo Bondani

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Jon Anderson from legendary band \"YES\" produced this album with Warner Music and sings in two of the tracks, this video was done for one of them: \"The 2nd Pray\", Warner Music. Heaven & Earth was born from a small group of friends that would sing in the campfires of annual reunions at the beach. Later, they all got involved in ecological activities and spiritual gatherings and the circle of friends became bigger and the songs better. \"Councils of Visions\" are gatherings of people of different nationalities and spiritual beliefs that have organized giant gatherings to share the knowledge of different ancient and new age traditions, among them: the Red Path of the Native American tribes, the warrior & sacred path of the Pre-Hispanic traditions of America (Olmec Toltec, Mayan, Aztec, etc.), Quartz Nature, Auto-Sustainable Living, Alternative Energy workshops and a mix of practices & wisdom from Buddism, Hinduism and Tai-Chi as well. These \"Council Gatherings\" became huge, sometimes up to 10,000 people camping on the middle of nowhere with months of professional eco-preparation for 2 weeks of Utopian Living (like a \"Rainbow Festival\" upgraded with conferences and a \"Burning Man Festival \" organization), and did several giant gatherings and rituals on different energy spots of America including pyramids and sacred chakras of the land all over the continent in which \"Cielo y Tierra\" participated and also played their music.(check out: Consejo de Visiones, Consejo Biorregional, Rainbow Gathering, or Tortuga Island on Google) \"Cielo y Tierra\" is: Pedro Vadhar- composition and lyrics & 4 beautiful girls: Estushia-lyrics, guitar and percussion's, Angelica, Luana & Mariana-voices and percussions. This video is a Music Video-Documentary testimony of a real shamanic ritual night, held by shamans of 3 different traditions: Hopi, Huichol and Aztec. At first, all 3 shamans rejected the idea and told director Leonardo Bondani that they would never mix their ritual with another tradition and that it had never been done, also that cameras where totally out of the question. Pedro, the girls and Leonardo asked the elders if it wasn't the time our ancestors had predicted for all traditions to come out of obscurity and be shared with the world at no delay to awaken as much souls as possible before the year 2013. An all day & night ritual and dances made the setting for the night chants, drumming and a sweat lodge ceremony in which the sacred tobacco pipes where lit, and share with the viewer, how after hours of singing and dancing, this altered states of mind done in a proper & respectful way connect us all to the sacred world of love & life. Producer: Jon Anderson. Production Manager: Norman Sotolongo. Production Coordination: Raquel de Antonio. Special thanks to Iea La Puerta, Amatlan, David Mazatl, Kuiz Lopez, and all Danzantes who contributed for this ceremony. Directed by Leonardo Bondani. Warner Music. January 1997 Amatlan de Quetzalcoatl.-Mexico City.

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