From Boney James' latest release. I had the chance of listening to the premier of \"Send One Your Love\" on 94.7 The Wave last Sunday. What can I say? It was fantastic to hear Boney's voice, but it was even greater to listen to the whole album. Boney was totally right when saying he wanted to make this a concept album because that's how it feels. However, I cannot imagine how good it would really feel to play this CD with the loved one next Valentine's Day. The whole album has the vibe to do so, doesn't it? Well, I don't know how long this song will be available here based on the nonsense ID Matches thing, yet I want to share this special tune which I consider (in my humble opinion) to be the best one. It was hard, though, to pick just one since the whole album is marvelous. Besides, I'm not certain whether or not it may be a good idea to upload more songs from the album because my account may got cancelled. Anyways, here it is. Enjoy it from begginig to end. Peace & God bless!!!