3. 00:14:08 Francis Xavier Slipped Up (Acid on the Radio Mix) (Acid on the Radio Mix)
4. 00:18:08 Francis Xavier Slipped Up (Magic Pirate's the Dope Won't Sort This out Remix)) (Magic Pirate's the Dope Won't Sort This out Remix))
5. 00:21:50 Francis Xavier Slipped Up (CSMNT61 3AM Version) (CSMNT61 3AM Version)
Once again, into the madness. It?s probably a few hours after midnight, and you?re in need of a hero. Someone to turn to when the rave needs to progress to the nek level. A hero who understands that you can?t just pump out drop after drop. A hero who?s unafraid to sing the praises of the gods of swing, shuffle and groove. That hero?s name is Francis Xavier. After many thousands of hours of waiting whilst he tweaked the 808, caressed the 909 and begged the 303 and 606 to play nice, the world is ready to dive into the vibe. Could this be our best EP yet? Maybe it is.