\"I met Pascal just before going onstage at a Bernese place called Wasserwerk. Later that evening he performed a setlist combining Romansh and English. I don't know what it was that pulled the two of us into a rehearsal room together. Maybe it was the variety of culture and landscapes, and our shared interest in that. Or maybe it was just two guys looking for ground in this city. Anyway, we squeezed out six songs within three jams, before recording them in my basement one sunny afternoon. Listening back to those tracks, its sound makes me want to be out on the road again. It matches well with a car engine, or with the hovering sound of a train underneath. I hope it gets you somewhere too.\" -Sander Timmermans, 27.05.2014
guitar: Pascal Gamboni
drums: Sander Timmermans
artwork by Sander Timmermans
written, performed and recorded by
Pascal Gamboni & Sander Timmerans
recorded in ittigen (bern) on the 21st of may 2014