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Before the Throne of God Above - A Cappella Hymn

Playing Next: Anthony Green & Barry Stagg - Life and Love
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***Copyright Permission Obtained***

Copyright 1997 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP) (adm. at All rights reserved. Used by permission.

\"Before the Throne of God Above\"
Lyrics - Charitie Lees Bancroft (1863)
Alt. - Vikki Cook (1997)
Music - Vikki Cook (1997)
Key - D Major
Tempo - 66 bpm
SATB - J. E. Bowman
Recorded at home

These recordings and sheet music slides are copyrighted when I create them. I hope you enjoy these recordings, but please do not download them. It is illegal to do so without permission, even if they are public domain hymns.

Would you like to request hymns for this channel? Feel free to do that in the comment sections of these videos. Here's the guidelines for that:
1.) Limit 2 per person (feel free to request 2 more when yours are posted)
2.) Only public domain hymns (Pre-1923)
3.) Include author/composer and date of composition
4.) Be patient. This is one of many hobbies of mine and not a full time job. It may take a few weeks to a couple years to get yours done.

Would you like to *legally* download these hymns AND support this channel?
- Bowman&index=digital-music&search-type=ss

Or, feel free to email me and I'll send you the audio files for $0.25 cents each.

Don't need digital downloads but STILL want to support this channel?

Keep in mind that the main purpose of these videos is to encourage congregational 4-part harmony singing. I record and mix these in such a way to help the listener hear parts more clearly. I urge you to listen with earbuds/headphones or true stereo speakers. Laptop and phone speakers are not only garbage for critical listening, they provide no sense of stereo which can be helpful while listening to these. Alto is slightly towards the left ear/channel and tenor is towards the right ear/channel. Soprano and bass are right down the middle.

If you enjoy the way that these hymns are sang and want to experience them in person, stop by just about any church of Christ and they'll likely be singing them the same way. Without instruments.

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