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Danny Calvert sings Scott Alan's KISS THE AIR - Live @ Birdland

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Danny Calvert performs \"Kiss The Air\" at Scott Alan's CD Release event for 'Dreaming Wide Awake' on January 7, 2008. CD available on and iTunes.

BACKSTORY: YOUTUBE ... That is how I discovered Danny Calvert.

Picture it, New York City, 2006. I am searching youtube for, God knows what, and stumbles across a video of Danny singing Mariah Carey's 'Hero.' Five minutes later I find his myspace account and invite him to sing 'Kiss the Air' at my concert at the Laurie Beechman Theatre. Now, mind you, I didn't know if he lives in NYC or if was even in Theatre, I just knew I wanted his voice to sing my song. End of Story.

'Kiss the Air' was the first complete song that I ever finished. I wrote this song two weeks into my parents divorce. I wasn't very close with either my mother or father growing up but my mother was hurting and all she wanted was answers. Well, I couldn't give her answers, but I wrote her. I recorded it in a low budget studio and sent it to her with a note saying 'If Dad was man enough, I wish these were the words he would have said to you before he left.'

As strange as it sounds, and as horrible as the divorce was for everyone, this song is what helped connect my mother and I. For the very first time she saw that I wasn't just a dreamer living in a fantasy.

Danny Calvert flew in for the day just to sing this song at the concert.

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