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Turbo - Dorosłe dzieci - Full Album - 1983

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Formed in early 1980 in Poznań by bassist Henryk Tomczak, accompanied at first by guitarist Wojciech Hoffmann, drummer Wojciech Anioła and singer Wojciech Sowula. In November of the same year, new vocalist Piotr Krystek was incorporated. Shortly afterwards Tomczak left, due to musical differences, and was replaced by Piotr Przybylski.

In August 1982, with new line-up additions Grzegorz Kupczyk and Andrzej Łysów, they recorded the popular ballad “Dorosłe Dzieci”, which became a radio hit in Poland. From July to November 1982, this formation recorded at Rozgłośna Polskiego Radia Studio the debut album, which became an instant commercial success in their home country, selling over one hundred thousand copies.

The following release, Smak Ciszy was recorded at the Teatr STU Studio Nagrań Dźwiękowych ZPR between late February-March 1985 with a new rhythm section (bassist Bogusz Rutkiewicz and Alan Sors). In 1986, the band played in support of the new album Kawaleria Szatana at the first edition of the Metalmania Festival, attracting the attention of Metal Mind Productions founder and owner Tomasz Dziubiński. They signed a record deal with his label, which released their 4th album, Ostatni Wojownik, on which Tomasz Goehs took drum duties, featuring an entirely thrash metal sound – in the Western market it was released through Noise Records with English lyrics.

Turbo achieved their biggest success at the time, touring with Kreator and Sodom in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria – appearing at several festivals in their home country like Metalmania, Rock w Opolu and the Festiwal Muzyków Rockowych in Jarocin. A live album entitled simply Alive! was released in 1988, including highlights from 2 gigs recorded at Spodek, Katowice 30.12.1986 and 03.04.1987.

In 1988, Rutkiewicz was given his walking papers; his bass duties were subsequently taken by Łysów himself, while new member Robert Friedrich accompanied Hoffmann on guitars, co-writing music and words as well. From March to May 1989, the band worked on new material at the Giełda Studios in Poznań – the new album Epidemie was also released with English lyrics through Metalmaster Records a year later, including a more technical thrash sound and clean vocals.

Differences arose between band members at the time, leading to Łysów and Kupczyk’s resignation after the show at Metalmania ’90. Bassist Tomasz Olszewski was introduced, while Litza took vocal duties. In May of the same year, Turbo recorded a new record, Dead End, with English lyrics only, released in the Western market by Music for Nations and Metal Muza in Poland – on which Litza got completely involved in the songwriting process, increasing Hoffmann’s dissatisfaction with the direction of the group. They disbanded in June 1991.

Hoffmann reactivated Turbo shortly afterwards, joining forces with Radosław Kaczmarek, Marcin Białożyk on guitars and vocals, and former Abathor drummer Daniel Cybusz. They recorded the thrash/death cassette One Way, but broke up again in 1992. Rumors of a reunion between Hoffmann, Łysów, Rutkiewicz, Kupczyk and Goehs in 1993 were eventually denied, as the former singer and bassist made clear they were engaged with CETI.

In 1995, Turbo was resurrected without Łysów, teaming up with a new guitar player, Marcin Białożyk - Goehs soon quit as well, making way for Szymon Ziomkowski. This new line-up played its first show in Poznań on 16.09.1995, doing more gigs in their home country for 2 years. In the late '90s, most members of the band were working on side-projects, until the show at Metalmania ’99 and other festivals in front of huge audiences, which marked the beginning of a new era for the group, with the re-release of their old albums on CD by Metal Mind Productions.

Formation changes followed with the addition of Mariusz Bobkowski on drums in 2000, with Turbo appearing at more festivals like Thrash'em All in Olsztyn on 6th August and more dates in October, gigging alongside Vader in the biggest Polish cities. As a four-piece, without Białożyk, Turbo got down to work on new material the same year at the “Q” Studio in Piła.

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