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The Feckers - 'Minus' (Full Album Track)

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Track 3 from the album \"It'd Be Rude Not To\", released March 2013!!

Track was written by Chris Szkup, and features the following good folks playing on the track:

Vocals: Roy Bratbakken

Drums: Dennis Leeflang

Lead Guitar: Ponch Satrio

(Solos from 1.40 - 2.02, 3.23 - 3.45)

Lead Guitar: Mathew Szkup

(Solos from 4.17 - 4.26, 4.47 - 4.57)

Lead Guitar: Ron Thal

(Solos from 4.37 - 4.46, 4.57 - 5.16, 5.26 - 5.33)

Bass, Rhythm and Lead Guitar: Chris Szkup

(Solos from 2.24 - 2.44, 4.07 - 4.17, 4.27 - 4.36, 5.16 - 5.25)

Artwork by Dan Verkys. Mixed and Mastered by Stew Long @ Red Planet Recording, Hobart, Tasmania.

Physical copies of \"It'd Be Rude Not To\" available at

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