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Kadans - Каданс - Ivanushka The Fool - Иванушка-Дурачок - Full Album (1982) - USSR - Russian jazz
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In a kingdom far away from our country, there was a town over which ruled the Tsar Pea with his Tsaritza Carrot. He had many wise statesmen, wealthy princes, strong, powerful warriors, and also simple soldiers, a hundred thousand, less one man.
You want to know more about this Russian tale? Check https://russian-crafts.com/russian-folk-tales/ivanushka-simpleton.html
A1 Наима / Naima 0:00
A2 Иванушка-Дурачок / Ivanushka The Fool 6:59
A3 Звуки Памяти / Memory Sounds 13:44
B1 Весенняя Песня / Spring Song 19:12
B2 Белая Ворона / White Raven 26:44
B3 Ветер С Моря / Sea Wind 32:07
Hermann Lukyanov / Герман Лукьянов - flügelhorn, alto horn, side whistle
Yuri Yurenkov / Юрий Юренков - alto saxophone, flügelhorn
Nikolai Panov / Николай Панов - soprano & tenor saxophones, flute
Mikhail Okun / Михаил Окунь - fortepiano
Mikhail Smola / Миханл Смола - double-bass
Boris Rukingluz / Борис Рукинглуз - trombone
Valeri Kaplun / Балерий Каплун - drums