




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Souldeceiver - The Curious Tricks Of Mind Full Album, 2012

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Band name: Souldeceiver

Country of origin: Italy

Location: Massa, Tuscany

Status: Split-up

Formed in: 2007

Genre: Death Metal

Label: SG Records

Years active: 2007-2013

Line up:

Edoardo Teani: Bass

Giulio Assente: Drums

Alessio Rossano: Guitars

Luca Mosti: Guitars

Francesco Meo: Vocals


1. Hundred 25: 0:00 - 04:09

2. The Closest Embrace: 04:09 - 08:10

3. Suiciding: 08:10 - 12:28

4. Mary Ann: 12:28 - 16:38

5. The Pressing: 16:38 - 20:14

6. Phase C: 20:14 - 23:30

7. Icon of Your God: 23:30 - 27:51

8. Relapse: 27:51 - 32:08

9. Bone Sacrifice: 32:08 - 35:42

10. Eternally: 35:41 - 37:50

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