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Earth Harmony - John Darnall ( Volume 9 Full Album )

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The mystic beauty of the natural world inspires wonder and reverence. In a soft soprano of rain, the Earth sings a lullaby; in a basso profundo of thunder it proclaims its absolute power; and in a choir of forest sounds it whispers the secrets of the universe.

1. Destin At Dust - 0:00

2. 4077 Crickets - 5:50

3. Amazon's Trail - 12:18

4. Cummin's Falls - 18:03

5. Isaac's Creek - 24:16

6. Morning Storm - 32:34

7. Afternoon Rain - 40:52

Instruments: Ocean surf, flutes, rain, guitars, thunderstorm, African percussion, ocarina, brook, waterfall, saxophone.


Produced and Arranged by John Darnall

Executive Producer: Don Boyer

Assistant Executive Producer: Gary Oldenbroek


1995 Unison Music, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214-1000.

Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Made in U.S.A.

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