Walk on brother, walk on sister, walk on children,
you gotta roll with the rock
through the shifting sand,
walk on through the valley, walk on up the mountain
walk on through the wilderness if you ever gonna make it to the promise land
walk on
When you feel temptations tugging at you heels (walk on)
when devils at the crossroad trying make a deal (walk on)
don't stray to the left don't veer to the right(walk on)
cause straight is the way that leads to the light
If you weary from the weight of the world on your back (walk on)
if you stumbel get up don't worry bout that (walk on)
keep your eyes on the narrow road (walk on)
some day its gonna turn into a street of gold
were all walking the same road were just wearing different shoes
you better lay down that heavy load
you gotta keep on walking or the devils gonna get you
(chours 2x)
walk on
walk on