This week we are ready to bring back an artist that we have seen shine on the label in the past as Argentina's very own Axel Bray bring back his Partenaire alias once again on the label. For those of you, familiar with the sound we bring to the label knows he’s an artist that bring on all the ingredients that we seek for. In that we of course mean great grooves, warm melodies and that mystic underground feel that we enjoy a lot on the label.
His new baby, named as “Intertwine”, is a driving progressive journey, including rich elements to bring on a great groove and is also full of melodic arrangements. We are as thrilled as ever to bring him back to the label.
To give the release a different tweak, we see a long time friend in Julian Rodriguez making his return on the label with his beautiful interpretation of “Intertwine”. With his great touch to blend juicy percussion, powerful basslines and creative harmonies through melodic arrangements, he once more proves his majestic touch and bring on a full on underground touch to the release. We are as pleased as always to bring Julian Rodriguez back as he always will have a place with us on PHW Elements.
The 2nd retake is another return on the label from another Argentina based producer, as Mønje makes another entrance on the label. With rolling grooves, crisp percussion and well adjusted pads to add to the melody driven work he’s created, he shines from start to finish with his full A-game brought on. We are definitely seeing him as the next big thing from Argentina, and we are of course super happy to be able to push him through our sources to make him climb the ladder.
All in all a wonderful release is brought on to you, from three truly talented artists that we hope to see a lot more from on the label in the future as well. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we do!
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