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Tegen Hart - Noise Underground (Full album - 1990 from Italy melodic heavy doom metal)

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Genre: Melodic Heavy Doom Metal

Country: Italy

Year: 1990

Type: Full Album

Label: Independent


Paolo Leone - Bass, Vocals (backing), Guitars

Michele Chiapparini - Drums, Vocals (backing)

Giorgio Leone - Guitars, Vocals (backing)

Carlo Fiorini - Keyboards

Roberto Leguti - Vocals

Giovanni Cortelezzi - Drums on \"Fading Horizons\"

1) 00:00 - 06:01 Flight to the freedom

2) 06:02 - 11:24 Outlaw

3) 11:25 - 20:01 Flight in the night

4) 20:02 - 25:24 Last Assault

5) 25:25 - 35:13 Lonely Suburb

6) 35:14 - 38:33 Fading Horizons

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