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Paul Roland - The poets and the painters

Playing Next: The Buckinghams "Mercy Mercy Mercy" 1967
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She met him on the staircase as the gallery was closing
Noting as the passed him that tears welled in his eyes
And turning she called softly \"Why Sir, you are the painter
Why then are you grieving, are your dreams not realised?\"

And she said \"God will be kind to the poets and the painters
God will be kind to those who used his mind
God will be kind to the poets and the painters
God will be kind to thee\"

\"Madam\" he proceed \"it's indeed my exhibition
The pictures you admire I have painted through the years
Yet only now I see that as I look upon their faces
The promise of my youth it does hold me insincere\"

\"Once I was enamoured of the muse that he had sent me
I delighted in her courting and worked unceasingly
I was feted and I was flattered, but by degrees unfaithful
I didn't even notice when she deserted me\"

\"But God looks down and laughs at me
Still God looks down and laughs at me\"

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