We have finally awoken from our deepest of slumbers that has lasted 7 years. As the thick smoke recedes it unveils the 3 piece Doom Giants that are HIGHBERNATION! Reefer fueled Stoner Doom metal with a dash of Sludge laced with riff, upon riff...follow us into ...Highbernation...
Turn it up to 11 and enjoy the trip.
Get ready for mind-altering Fuzz, Riffs, Doom & Spliffs! Recordings & Videos coming soon so stay tuned & stay doomed!
No copyright infringement intended. This is only for promotional purpose of band. I do not own any rights to the music found herein. Original copyrighted material belongs to the respective band, it's members, and record labels. If you are an artist or record label and would like me to remove your music just write a mail to us and I will do so.