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Jesusman was a Relic (Full Album)

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This album is the most polarising album in The Obs' catalogue of polarising album. The album was released to mixed reviews, but has recently just gotten to the top of most top album of all times. Robert Christgau said \"This album is like being smothered to death with candy floss, kittens and sugar. It's one of the greatest and most innovative albums I've heard in a while.\" This album also beat Confusion Is Sex, Metal Machine Music, and Filth for the top spot of Christgaus' best albums of all time list, and beating pornography and jerking off for his most addicting things to do list.

Track Listing:

1. The Reign of the Tape Measure

2. Rape Measure

3. Just Needs to Be

4. I dont fink they are fink they're better than ery'one

5. Hook on House

6. Outsmarted by the Retarted

7. You Moldy Old Fuck (A.K.A 4.13)

8. The Unfinished Hot Chocolate

9. Woodstock 94

10. High Heels in the Rain

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