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Def Ill - Deflok the Demolisher (Full Album Mixtape)

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1.Awesome Mixtape Intro Pt. 1

2.Awesome Mixtape Intro Pt. 2

3.Awesome Mixtape Intro Pt. 3

4.Gib den Fick auf

5. Crackkoch (Rap God Rmx) (Studio Version)

6.Dr Kimble Bars

7.Deflok the Demolisher


9.S.H.I.E.L.D. Bars

10.Bring it Back

11.Puppet Masta Medley

12.Machete Medley

13.See the rich man play (ft Don Dada Rio)

14.Astonishing Tales (ft Kinetical)

15.Road to Salina Bars

16.Sterben mit 27

17.Hoffnung ohne Parolen

18.Deflok Bars + Deflok Anthem (ft Kinetical)

19.Microflex Technologie

20.Schwänze lutschen in der Hölle

21.Bars of a new Slave (Short Cut)

22.Fuge in 7 Akten


24.Wen intressiats (ft Kreiml)

25. Almost Sober (ft Brother Louis) (Free Promotional Use)

26. Guardians of the Galaxy (Short Cut)

27. Jeopardy (680 Silben/Min)

1, 7,14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27 Produced by Def Ill

15, 17, 18 (Part 1 - Deflok Bars) Looped by Def Ill

23 Produced by B-Visible; Add. Backup by Mawd Kid & Arnie

Cutz @ 1 & 2 by Def Ill

Add. Cut @14 by Clarity

Add. Hookline Vocals @20 by Soak

Add. Backups @ 24 by Kinetical

Mixed by Def Ill

Mastered by Konstantin Diggn

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