Sometimes I wanna pack it all up, get on a bus and move to Vermont,
Or Maine, or any of those states back east that I remember.
Sometimes I wanna go back to school, an east coast college with some history.
I'd be satisfied, I know, in the simple things.
Longtime sunshine.
Longtime sunshine upon me.
Sometime I wanna build a house with a wood stove or a fire place.
In the middle of the living room an old piano.
Sometimes it don't seem so bad to settle down with a good woman;
Leave this lonely life behind forever, and ever.
Longtime sunshine.
Longtime sunshine upon me.
Tell our friends goodbye, my girl, close my eyes as you fly away;
Keep on going 'til you get some place where you can truly rest.
Longtime sunshine.
Longtime sunshine upon me.
Rivers, repeated: Long time sunshine, long time sunshine upon me.
Brian, repeated: Why bother? It's gonna hurt me, it's gonna kill when you desert me.
Matt, repeated: He is in my eyes, he is in my ears, he is in my blood, he is in my tears.
Rivers (falsetto), repeated: No, there is no other one, no, there is no other one, can't have any other one, even though I would with one.
Rivers: Blast off! Up to the stars we go, and leave behind everything I use to know
Somebody's giving me a whole lot of money to do what I think I want to
So why am I still feeling blue? Oh Wuan and Dondo.