''It’s been nearly three years since The Souldiggers Band’s ‘Search For Greater Things’ debut album was released in 2012. Now 2015 & the same two guys from Saint-Petersburg, Russia are come back & set to self-release once again their second LP album entitled ‘Second Coming’. Whereas the part of tracks at first album & some ideas TSB’s songwriter had some years before release the new songs was written for this release specially. And they were with one goal in the head - to write really various album that would handsome from the beginning to the end for all potential listeners & rock music fans. ‘Second Coming’ is continuation partly of the first release and they’re have a similar roots undoubtedly & picks up where the debut left off but builds in every way from the quality of the song writing, playing, mixing & producing. Listen this 13 tracks and enjoy of hard/grunge/southern/blues awesome mix. Heavy riffs, powerful & mighty sound meets the great melodies, acoustic guitars & sentimental/lyrical moods. It’s all there! Keep on rock!''