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Spitvalves were a ska and rock band from Orlando, Florida. They broke up in the mid-2000s but have reunited occasionally.
Movin' On was their second of two LPs.
Track 1 (Worn Out Welcome): 0:00
Track 2 (Movin' On): 2:59
Track 3 (Your Loss): 5:33
Track 4 (Second Home): 8:32
Track 5 (Both Shoes Untied): 10:38
Track 6 (The End): 14:05
Track 7 (1,2,3,4, #): 14:58
Track 8 (Sacrifice Your Probation): 18:40
Track 9 (Drinking Song #1): 19:57
Track 10 (Stumble): 22:27
Track 11 (That's About All): 26:14
Track 12 (Love the Kids): 29:03
Track 13 (Last Place): 32:15
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