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!T.O.O.H.! Free Speech 2020 (Full Album Stream)
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The fifth album from !T.O.O.H.! has just been released. Nothing compares to this relentless death/grind assault. Nothing compares to !T.O.O.H.! Enjoy. Purchase links below. Please, subscribe to this channel.
Buy Digital Version ?7:
Buy Compact Disc (includes free BC download):
https://store.lavadome.org (?9 + postage)
https://lavadome.bandcamp.com/album/free-speech (?10 + postage)
Postage: ?4 (Europe), ?5.28 (World)
\"Free Speech\" Tracklisting:
\"P?t ned?l ve srubu\"
\"Un?st, prcat a ?ekat\"
\"N?cek radik?l\"
\"Kratochv?le pana M\"
\"Proto moud?? v ?stran?\"
\"Tfuj, Jirko!\"
\"Rozt??sk?m jim papule\"
\"Zrozen k bo?sk?m c?l?m\"
\"Pak j? ruce sv??u\"
\"?arovn? ml???\"
\"Posledn? hon dcery doktora Hamky, majitele nejedn? golfov? jamky\"
!T.O.O.H.! are:
Humanoid ? Guitars, Bass, Vocals, VST Insturments
Schizoid - Drums, Backing Vocals
All music by !T.O.O.H.!
Lyrics of songs 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11 by Humanoid
Lyrics of songs 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12 by Schizoid
Recorded at Studio ?opa, Studio 53 and Studio 27 (2019 - 2020)
Mixed and mastered by Sta?a Val??ek (2019 - 2020)
!T.O.O.H.! logo by Jose (2011)
Paintings by Jose (2019 - 2020)
Official !T.O.O.H.! network:
LAVADOME productions:
#!T.O.O.H.! #freespeech