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Yatha Sidhra - A Meditation Mass 1974 (full album)

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The coming together of the flute, hand percussion, piano, electric guitar, and sparse disembodied vocals in 'A Meditation Mass' represents, to me, the pure embodiment of Krautrock. When I am listening to this, I'm in the same flat as Ash Ra Tempel or Agitation Free or A.R. & Machines or Kollektiv (to name a few). None of these bands sound like the others, and yet they all conjure up that spirit of exploration and radicalism through music. A unique 5 star album that is tagged as such through pure subjectivity, there was really no other option from the first time I heard this.

1. 0:00:00 Part 1

2. 0:17:43 Part 2

3. 0:20:42 Part 3

4. 0:32:41 Part 4

Krautrock, Psychedelic Rock, Raga Rock, Space Rock

Album: A Meditation Mass (1974)

Artist: Yatha Sidhra

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