Hi! Im Mayim Bialik, and this week Im talking about playing Dungeons and Dragons with my kids. We created these totally awesome characters and, even though D&D is a fantasy game, we learned a lot about ourselves and each other in the real world. Do you play D&D or another tabletop RPG? Tell me about your character in the comments!
You may know me as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory, or from Blossom, but hopefully these videos allow you to get to know me better as Mayim, too! Subscribe to my channel for video updates. We publish new videos every Thursday!
About Mayim Bialik:
You might know me as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory or from Blossom but there are so many other parts of me that you might not be aware of! Im trained as a neuroscientist, I'm a passionate activist, an observant jew, a perfectly imperfect mother, and I'm a complicated human being like many of you. This is the place where I wear all of those hats - and none of them have a flower on them! ;)