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~ This Album ~
The 13th video done for the project, I love this album very much. It is nothing overrate that Hamauzu arranges the best among all Piano Collections. His arrangements are instrument-oriented but at the same time, not strays too much away from the original compositions. Listeners can appreciate a whole new interpretation while easily recognize the source theme.
This album consists of 15 recorded track, excluding the \"Special Presents\" this is still the most of all with no on-par. Even though I said the duration of PC:FFIX suits me the best, this album here is very nice too. It doesn't mean to me the more the better, but these 15 tracks cover all range of famous demo, lively character themes, mysterious field themes and furious boss themes. The length of individual tracks are perfect too. I do listen to classical movements which are 12 minutes long, but they got a frame of development, here video game soundtrack arrangements are typical (primary) ternaries or rondos. Those from FFXII easily get people lost, but never for FFX.
One more point to note: as this album places very high to me, I've given extra effort to fix the off-sync problem as seen in previous videos. The scrolling should strictly follows the music as I always aimed for, but this time the presentation can now actually be the closest to my intention.
Resolution: up to 2550 x 3300
~ About the Project ~
There are many people here who do play the piano. To these people, these piano arrangements then doesn't only worth at listening to, but also reading the score. At least for me, I enjoy reading the score while listening to them very much. I can look at what's exactly going on in the music.
Since there is no one doing the scrolling score presentation of the Final Fantasy Piano Collections / Opera series, I'm taking this project then. Two more albums coming soon!
0:00:00 - (15-Track List)
0:00:10 - 01. At Zanarkand / ザナルカンドにて
0:03:34 - 02. Tidus's Theme / ティーダのテーマ
0:07:47 - 03. Besaid Island / ビサイド島
0:10:52 - 04. Song of Prayer / 祈りの歌
0:17:16 - 05. Travel Agency / 旅行公司
0:20:22 - 06. Rikku's Theme / リュックのテーマ
0:23:17 - 07. Guadosalam / グアドサラム
0:26:32 - 08. Thunder Plains / 雷平原
0:29:58 - 09. Assault / 襲撃
0:33:32 - 10. Path of Repentance / 浄罪の路
0:36:52 - 11. Isn't It Wonderful? / 素敵だね
0:41:16 - 12. Yuna's Decision / ユウナの決意
0:44:23 - 13. People of the Far North / 極北の民
0:48:35 - 14. Decisive Battle / 決戦
0:52:34 - 15. Ending Theme (エンディング・テーマ)
0:58:15 - (16-Track List)
0:58:18 - *16. SPECIAL PRESENTS: Decisive Battle / 決戦
0:59:06 --- (The sheet starts involved, i.e. moving.)