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Fleetwood Mac - Stevie Nicks Sisters of the moon piano demo

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'Sisters of the Moon' is a Stevie Nicks song from the Tusk album (1979). According to Mick Fleetwood's autobiography, this song was written during the first FM tours with Stevie and Lindsey, though she has not confirmed this. For me [Villavic], is one of those classical dark, mystic Stevie's songs. A masterpiece.

\"Intense silence As she walked in the room...\"
The lyrics are about Stevie herself and how lonely she felt when she became famous. The 'room' could be the studio, but since she was talking about the tours, the room probably is the stage or the general Fleetwood Mac environment. So there is a crowd out there but she hears an intense silence. She feels alone, and the tour has started to take its toll on her. She is dressed in black and looks very thin: ' A black widow spider makes more sound than she..'. She is suffering. This could be a feeling from early years, not necessarily just from the Tusk era (so Mick could be right), but she wasn't prepared for fame, non-stop tours and loneliness.

The 'cruel people' mentioned are the fans, the public. In some way they love Stevie, but since they ask her for more and more, they are also cruel to her. And she tries never to dissapoint them. Besides, nobody knows her closely. None of those fans are actually her friends. She has no one so she has to rely on herself. Nobody likes her for who she really is. Does anybody know (her name) who she really is?

\"She asked me-- Be my sister,\"
Stevie is looking for a real friend. She needs to count on someone. People say she is a sister of the moon, but nobody knows even her name, so there is no friend at that time. However she admits she has chosen that way of life (remember 'Sweet Girl': 'I chose to dance across the stages of the world').

The 'I' and the 'She' are both Stevie. Videos and interviews from the Tusk era confirm this. The Wild Heart cover could be inspired on these lyrics. It shows three different Stevies, yet all the same.

However, it doesn't seem that she was suffering all the time. It was like a conflict-- Fleetwood Mac was the best thing in her life, with all its nightmares, but a dream come true. She confirmed this in the VH-1 Rumours special. This song is about those nightmares she has to fight with. It is typical among big stars to feel isolated and alone, and the impact of the first years has to be the toughest. After all, she became the sweet girl who danced across many cities but never saw them at all. Thank you, Stevie. We would love to be not only your fans but also your sisters and brothers of the moon. We would love to know your name.

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