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Chemicide - Inequality (Full Album)

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Every day a women is murdered by their significant other by some non-sense reason. Every day someone is getting discriminated by their age, gender or color of their skin. Every day we are being judged based on \"how much we are worth\". This album is how we think a lot of people feel at the moment. Is part of what's happening all across the world and we wanted to share our take on it.

We hope you enjoy this album and keep helping those around you who are in need.


Frankie – Vocal/Guitar

Sebastian – Lead guitar

Jorge – Bass guitar

Nash – Drums

Juan Carlos Montes de Oca - Back-up vocals

This album was recorded, mixed and mastered at Bushido Audio Productions in San José, Costa Rica, by Juan Pablo Calvo.

All music and lyrics by Frankie Chemicide

Produced by Chemicide

Co-produced by Juan Pablo Calvo

Logo by David Cubero – Estudio ËSM

Band Photo by Jose Miguel Gudiño

Artwork by Dan Mora

Guitar Tech: Andrés Guzmán – Libra Guitarworks

Bass Tech: José “Fucas” Mora

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