\"Church Universal and Triumphant (henceforth CUT) is a new religion based in Montana. It flourished between 1973 and 1999 under Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who was guided by \"dictations\" received from the Ascended Masters. As their chosen \"Messenger,\" her mission was to publish the teachings of the Ascended Masters and to assist them in ushering in the Age of Aquarius, or the Golden Age. For twenty-five-odd years, Elizabeth Clare Prophet (henceforth ECP) presided over a strong, centralized, hierarchical new religious movement (henceforth NRM). She combined the roles of charismatic spiritual teacher (guru) and chief administrator in her person. At its peak CUT may have counted as many as 25,000 members worldwide (Whitsel 2003).
The commencement of ECP's reign was seamless and unchallenged when, in 1973, she assumed the mantle of \"Messenger\" upon the death of her husband, Mark Prophet. He had been the charismatic founder of the Summit Lighthouse (CUT's predecessor), and had shared his administrative tasks and aspects of spiritual leadership with his young wife since their marriage in 1963. Mark Prophet prepared her in messengership, and it was believed they were \"Twin Flames,\" originating out of the same white-fire core. By the time Mark Prophet \"ascended\" from his body in Colorado Springs on February 26, 1973, ECP had already been receiving dictations for over a year. Immediately after his death, Mark revealed himself to her as the Ascended Master \"Lanello,\" and began to dictate messages through her.\"