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Hedonistic Noise - Masturbation (Full Demo Album)

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Hedonistic Noise is a three piece punk rock band that was formed in Istanbul.

Demo album \"Masturbation\" was released on May 27, 2016.

All songs were recorded on May 26, 2016 at Studio DODO.

Electric Guitar & Vocals: Or?un

Bass Guitar: Emre

Drums: Do?a

01. Bilmiyorum 00:00

02. Meaningless Walls 2:50

03. Bok ?ukuru 5:30

04. Only Way 9:07

05. Ben Yaln?z De?ilim! 11:45

06. Belief 14:39

07. Delirdim 17:11

08. Endless Dream 20:48

09. Poison 22:59

10. Why I Need You? 24:55

11. Yeni Bir G?n 27:28










Hangisi iyi?

Hangisi g?zel?

Hangisi benim?


Hangisi iyi?

Hangisi g?zel?

Hangisi senin?


Ya?ad???m her ?ey mucize.

Kafam kar???k.

G?zlerim k?zar?k.

Ne yapmal?y?m?




Ne yapmal?y?m?


Ya?ad???m her ?ey mucize.

Meaningless Walls



What do you mean?

What do you see?

Just meaningless walls.

This is last meeting for us.

I'll never see you again.

This is last life for us.

I'll never live you again.

This is last kiss for us.

I'll never love you again.

This last fight for us.

I'll never hate you again.

Creaking doors.

Dripping tears.

Couldn't save.

Hold on.

Just meaningless walls.

Bok ?ukuru


Bir g?n daha geldi, ge?ti, g?z?m?n ?n?nden.

Ben yata??m?n i?inde ??r?rken.

Her ?ey kafam?n i?inde d?nd?.

Ama kabullendim, ben ?omaristan'day?m.

Bok ?ukurunda.

Ke?ke her ?ey eskisi gibi olsa.

Hi? kimse bize dokunmasa.

Sen eskisi gibi hep g?zel kalsan.

Ama kabullendim, ben bok ?ukurunday?m.


K???kken hep hayaller kurard?m, ben.

G?zel d?nya, g?zel insanlar.

Hepsi yalan oldu, b?y?d???mden.

Ama kabullendim, ben ?omaristan'day?m.

Bok ?ukurunda.

Only Way


Is that the only way?

Relieve your brain.

Surrealistic pain.

I remember everything.

I still love you, honey.

Ben Yaln?z De?ilim!


Yemekhaneye gittim.

Tek ba??ma yemek yedim.

?imlerin ?zerinde

Seni d???nd?m yine

Her ?ey benim elimde.

Her ?ey benim elimde.


?i?li'den Taksim'e,

Tek ba??ma y?r?d?m.

Etraf? seyrederken

Kendi kendime g?ld?m.

Her ?eyi b?rakal?m.

Bo?lukta kaybolal?m.


Senin yan?nda,

?lmekten hi? korkmam.

El ele tutu?al?m.

K?pr?den atlayal?m.

Herkes bize bakarken,

Gelir miydin, benimle?


Ben yaln?z de?ilim.



Won't you regret anything?

I walk along the nightmare.

Another day.

Another lie.

Another reason.

And I'm tired.

Crying in nights,

Lying on the ground.

And now,

I try to believe in you.

Like a boring stupid guy.

Like a bitter sense inside of me.

I try to believe in you.



Karanl?kta y?r?mek zor.

?n?me baksam da g?rmem.

Y?r?meye ?al???rken

G?c?m yetmezse d??erim.


Kimse fark etmedi.


Her g?n her g?n ayn? ?eyler,

D???nmekten ba??m ?i?er.

Ba?ka bir yol olsa ke?ke.

Anlad?m ben, hayat b?yle


Kimse fark etmedi.


Ciddiye ald?k?a b?y?r.

Sen yan?mda olsan bile.

Kimse beni kurtaramaz.

Ben kendime yetmedik?e.


Kimse fark etmedi.


Endless Dream


Sometimes happy,

Sometimes sad,

I'm floating on the river.

And dreaming of my future.

I'm living in an endless dream.

Oblatigations scream.

I'm trying to close my ears.

A passionate kiss

Could chain me to the clouds.

I'm living in an endless dream.

(Argh yeah!)

I'm living in an endless dream.

One more step,

We're closer to the end.

One more step,

We're closer to the end.

To the end.




She is like a poison.

Let it out.

It's coming out.

Escape from reality.

I have to do.

I don't want.

She will kill me.

If I rely on her.

Why I Need You?


I sing alone.

I play alone.

I live alone.

Why I need you?

Why did you do this to me?

I lost my mind for you.

Do you have anything left to lose?


I dream alone.

I fight myself.

I talk to myself.

Why I need you?

This is our destiny.

I need you.

Why I need you?

Yeni Bir G?n


B?t?n sevdiklerim gitti, ben burda kald?m.

Kimi bir sebep sundu, kimi sebepsizce gitti.

Telefonuma bakarken arayacak kimseyi bulamad?m.

Ah, ne kadar salakm???m.

Ben bu hayata yenildim, hi? olmamam gerekti.

Ben kendime yenildim, bilmem, neden inat ettim?

G?r?nt?lerin alt?nda u?an hayaletlerdik.

Yere d???nce ger?e?i anlam??t?k.

Bana hayal kurdurtma, k?r?l?rsam dayanamam.

Hi? kimseye g?venmem, herkes bir g?n yan?lt?r.

Ben bu hayata yenildim, hi? olmamam gerekti.

Ben kendime yenildim, bilmem, neden inat ettim?

Sabah yeni bir g?n do?ar.

Korkular u?ar gider.

Ama sonraki geceler,

Korku i?inde ???yorum..

Canavar bir g?n yine ??kacakt?, ortaya

Sakland??? yerde f?rsat kolluyordu.

Ben bu hayata yenildim, hi? olmamam gerekti.

Ben kendime yenildim, bilmem, neden inat ettim?

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