




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Diagonal - The Second Mechanism (2012) Full Album

Second full length album released by Diagonal. Progressive/Jazz Rock band from Brighton, UK.

\"Thunderous and hypnotic; euphoric and brutal, Diagonal is uncompromising in its approach and fearless in the creation of music which combines Prog, Jazz, Psych, Krautrock and Metal into an intense and explosive mixture which seems to belong to neither past, present nor future, yet somehow sounds like all three.\" Rise Above Records(

1. Voyage/Paralysis 00:00

2. These Yellow Sands 06:13

3. Mitochondria 14:12

4. Hulks 23:53

5. Capsizing 34:29

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Diagonal is:

Luke Foster / drums, percussion, piano, backing vocals

Ross Hossack / synthesisers, harmonium, backing vocals

Nicholas Richards / electric bass, mellotron, synthesiser, backing vocals

Nicholas Whittaker / alto saxophone, clarinet, lead and backing vocals

David Wileman / electric guitars, backing vocals

Rise Above Records

Recorded and mixed by Alex Crispin

Released November 5, 2012

If you are a band member or are involved with this record and don't want people to see/hear this, please contact me via comments or Google+ message and I'll remove it. There's no need for flags.

I do not own any copyright nor have anything to do with the band or their label. Just spreading their music/job.

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