This band from L.A had talent of that there is no doubt. Two members Robert Zinner and George Caldwell had been in The Bees previously. I wrote about their 45 on Mirwood last year (check out the archives) Richard Fortunato joined from The Vejtables. So, as you can see, this band had pedigree.
'Hippy Elevator Operator' has a simple primitive beat, quite repetitive but I sure dig the lyrics. Back in '66 Los Angeles this particular 'hippy' was a swingin' young chick into narcotics. Check out the opening verse:
'Her Daddy's money was no good
A trip or two now when she could.
She left his place without a dime,
And got a job with lot's of time.
She's a hippy elevator operator'
The flip 'Don't Lose The Girl' is a moody slice of psychedelic punk.
HBR put out some great records and for my money this one is in the top 5.