I have been busking for 7 years now and I have become very comfortable with doing just one location at the same sort of time every week, so I have decided to try some different times and locations once more. This is my third test. This time I went East of Adelaide to the suburb of Norwood. I performed in the Trenery spot, which is one of the two they have available there. I chose to perform from 12:30-2:15pm on a Monday over lunchtime. It just happened to fall on a day that reached 37 degrees Celsius. As a Busker, when the weather gets hot you have two options. A) Don't go busking. B) Go busking, put yourself through heat hell and risk heatstroke. I went with option B. Here are my results.
Original songs played in this video in order, 'Waiting', 'The one I loved the most' and 'Fading'.