Hey guys! It's not Persona this week, I want to throw in a different song every now and then during this streak, hope you don't mind!
Anyone who has this game WITHOUT A DOUBT has this song engrained in their brains. I know I do, with the amount of matches I wait 10 min for and they deny the challenge or I get kicked out of the lobby. BUUUUT other than that, this game is freaking amazing, and I love it. I'm a sucker for fighting games, so this game had my attention all week, so I decided to do this song! Which I started recording 3 days ago lol
I really think this is one of my highest quality videos to date in both video and audio. I'm super happy with how this one turned out and I really hope you guys like it too! Sorry for the messy hair btw I recorded video today as soon as I woke up
The procJJJess o . f making th i . s w . t l . a
i really like this game
it is so amazing it always fails to initialize my network
and it loves kicking me out of my lobby
Failed to initialize network.
i dont know if you can read this but congrats
i love dragon ball