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Red-Innocence & Instinct 10th Anniversary (Full Album Guitar Cover)

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Here is a full album cover of Red’s “Innocence & Instincts 10th anniversary edition”

All songs are in Drop A# except for Ordinary World (Drop B & E Standard) and Forever (Drop A)


1. Intro (Canto III) (No Guitar)

2. Fight Inside (Drop A#)

3. Death Of Me (Drop A#)

4. Mystery Of You (Drop A#)

5. Start Again (Drop A#)

6. Never Be The Same (Drop A# & C# Standard)

7. Confession (What’s Inside My Head) (Drop A#)

8. Shadows (Drop A#)

9. Ordinary World (Drop B & E Standard)

10. Out From Under (Drop A#)

11. Take It All Away (Drop A#)

12. Overtake You (Drop A#)

13. Forever (Drop A)

14. Nothing And Everything (No Guitar)

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